Wednesday, October 10, 2012

 We had a steeking party last week at Woolbearers.  Some of the gals in the KAL finished the fair isle part of the Rams and Yowes Blanket and were ready to steek and cut.

As a reward to myself for finishing (well, almost), I knit the Sheep Heid to go along with the blanket.

Here is my blanket completely steeked and ready for cutting.

 I began to cut between the steek stitches on the lower end of the blanket
 Here you can see the beginning of the cutting process
 And here is the blanket completely cut apart and waiting to pick up 780 stitches all around the border.

 A few of the gals discussing the steeking process -- various blankets in different stages.

 Donna bravely cutting her steeks.

And here is her finished product (minus the border)

A very rewarding project -- and not as scary as it seemed.

Another blanket project we are working on at Woolbearers is the Great North American Afghan.
Lots of knitters are working on this.  Some, like myself, are following the color scheme in the book, others are choosing colors they are more fond of, but Shirley is doing her own thing with color - I think this is fabulous.

All three squares are the same.   Shirley used different colors in the top 2 squares and I did mine in one solid color.  Isn't the difference amazing?