Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Gotlands are here!
If we already told you this, my apologies...Woolbearers is the US distributor for Gotland fleeces from Whitehall Farm in the UK. The top picture is of the farm. They currently have about 60 sheep; you can read more about their farm and flock by clicking on the link. We imported almost 150 pounds of wool from David and Lyn Barlow, and it is gorgeous! Myra and her son, Zack, picked up the wool from Philadelphia International Airport and went through customs on Tuesday; she said it went without a hitch. Hearing horror stories about such things, we were happy it was an easy process.

Evidently, the Barlow's also have two barn conversion cottages on their farm which they rent out to travelers. I've had some fantasies about that, let me tell you! We keep talking about having a knitting retreat at the beach in Delaware.....maybe someday we can go to England for one.

1 comment:

Too Twisted Donna said...

Just took a internet detour to check out the farm and cottages.
When do we leave?
This place is beautiful!!!
Makes me want to learn to spin!